Haiti Mission Team

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The Open Door has been consistently active in Northern Haiti since 2014 with several programs.
  • Spoken English as a second language. This includes an ongoing weekly video chat program between Haitians and Americans.
  • Animal health programs of parasite control and Anthrax vaccinations, training Haitians to treat the animals.
  • Poultry project that will eventually help feed and bring income to the area of northern Haiti where we work. 
Our goal is to develop programs that will be sustainable and that will be Haitian led. We pray our collaborations lead us into closer relationships with Christ and each other.

Current programs

Haiti Video Chat Program

Currently we are seeking volunteers to set up one-on-one chats with Haitian individuals to assist them in learning English. You would be set up with one person and get to know them and how Christianity has effected their lives. For more information please contact us below.

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Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Haiti

Sometimes we pray for rain.  Sometimes God says I have something else for you.
Sometimes we pray for something and God simply sends rain.
God sent rain Sunday night into Monday morning.  And it was a pounding, deafening, rushing, torrential rain.  It rattled the roof and could be heard thru the ceiling.  Looking out the window (which didn’t have glass), one could hear and see--it was like standing in a waterfall!  There was a LOT of rain.  There is a saying in the area: “Haitians fear rain more than bullets.”  To express their dislike and fear of rain, they will credit it with killing their goats.
After a whole night of that much rain, we knew by 5:30 Monday morning there would be no violence that day.  There would be no riots, no protests, no roadblocks.  People huddled in the shelter of buildings, under the eaves, they grouped under umbrellas.  The rain shut everything down.  And so I realized people who were praying for me and my safety were praying for rain.
God knew what was needed for me to travel safely to the airport.  Rain….
By the time I walked out of the airport door and across the  concrete to the plane boarding ramp, there was not a drop of rain.
Thank you God for rain and for all of you who prayed for me on my journey.
And I know you prayed for my Haitian student team that worked so well together.
God bless.

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